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Game ID Size Match-Up Point Splits Date Flags Media
183934 2v2
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 11:49 AM
183933 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 11:44 AM
183932 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 11:19 AM
183931 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 11:19 AM
183930 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 10:34 AM
183929 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 10:09 AM
183928 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 9:14 AM
183927 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 8:59 AM
183926 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 8:39 AM
183925 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 8:19 AM
183924 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 8:04 AM
183923 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 5:29 AM
183922 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 5:19 AM
183921 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 5:04 AM
183920 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 4:59 AM
183919 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 4:54 AM
183918 2v2
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 4:49 AM
183917 1v1v2
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/21/2018 4:29 AM
183916 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 11:44 PM
183915 1v1v1v1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 11:24 PM
183914 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 11:24 PM
183913 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 11:19 PM
183912 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 11:14 PM
183911 1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 10:59 PM
183910 1v1v1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 10:44 PM
183909 1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 10:29 PM
183908 1v1v1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 10:04 PM
183907 1v1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 9:29 PM
183906 1v1v1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 9:24 PM
183905 1v1
#-1 defeated #-1
+0  pts. -0  pts.
3/20/2018 8:59 PM
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